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Transforming B2B Sales with Salesforce Commerce Cloud and NetSuite ERP Integration


​​In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, B2B firms face increasing pressure to modernize their sales processes. The shift from traditional methods to digital solutions is no longer just an option but a necessity to stay competitive. 

Salesforce Commerce Cloud, a powerful platform designed to revolutionize the B2B buying experience by providing customizable storefronts, advanced pricing options, and a personalized customer journey. But the true potential of Salesforce Commerce Cloud is unlocked when integrated with robust ERP systems like NetSuite, enabling real-time data synchronization, streamlined operations, and enhanced customer service.

Inforge, a Salesforce consulting partner based in Miami, has been at the forefront of helping businesses across multiple industries implement Salesforce solutions tailored to their unique needs. By leveraging their expertise, companies can achieve a seamless integration of Salesforce Commerce Cloud with NetSuite, ensuring that their sales processes are not only modernized but also optimized for efficiency and growth.

To further simplify this integration, Breadwinner provides an extensible, turn-key solution that brings your financial systems directly into Salesforce. This powerful tool eliminates the need for manual data entry and ensures that financial information is always up-to-date and accessible. Identifying the need for Breadwinner early on can be a game-changer, allowing businesses to act fast and reap the benefits of a fully integrated system.

This article delves into the intricacies of modernizing B2B sales, the role of Salesforce Commerce Cloud, the importance of integrating with NetSuite, and how tools like Breadwinner can streamline your operations for long-term success.

Modernizing the B2B Buying Experience

The landscape of B2B sales is changing rapidly. Traditional processes are being replaced by digital solutions that offer greater efficiency and customer satisfaction. Salesforce Commerce Cloud is at the forefront of this revolution, providing a comprehensive platform for businesses to create seamless online buying experiences.

Evolution of traditional B2B Sales Processes

Traditional B2B sales often involve lengthy negotiations, manual order processing, and a lack of personalization. These methods are being replaced by digital platforms that offer streamlined processes and enhanced customer experiences. Sales teams relied on cold calls, paper contracts, and basic CRM systems, with limited integration across departments. As digital transformation gained momentum, these processes evolved into streamlined, automated systems that prioritize data-driven decision-making and customer-centric strategies. Modern B2B sales now focus on personalized experiences, real-time data access, data driven decisions and seamless integration between sales, marketing, and customer service, resulting in faster sales cycles, increased productivity, and stronger customer relationships. All of it is possible with Salesforce.

Changing Buyer Behavior

Today’s B2B buyers are more informed and demand personalized experiences. Specialized job placement agencies help equip sales teams with the skills needed to meet these expectations. As Account-Based Marketing (ABM) grows, these professionals are prepared to adapt and create meaningful connections with clients. Furthermore, Gen AI and machine learning are set to play a significant role in further enhancing the buying experience. Moreover, the use of Sales Sales Cloud and territory planning is crucial for a sales process. These technologies can provide advanced analytics, personalized recommendations, and predictive insights.

The role of Salesforce Commerce Cloud

Salesforce Commerce Cloud is a game-changer for B2B businesses looking to enhance their online sales processes. This powerful platform enables companies to create customized storefronts tailored to the unique needs of their customers. Whether you’re dealing with complex product configurations or require personalized buying experiences, Salesforce Commerce Cloud has you covered. The result is a more efficient and satisfying purchasing process that meets the demands of modern B2B customers.
One of the key benefits of using Salesforce Commerce Cloud is the ability to modernize the buying experience. B2B customers now expect more than just a basic transaction—they want a seamless, user-friendly interface that provides personalized product recommendations and real-time updates on their orders. Salesforce Commerce Cloud delivers on these expectations, leading to faster order processing, greater accuracy, and ultimately, higher customer satisfaction.

For a deeper dive into how Salesforce Commerce Cloud can transform your B2B sales, check out Inforge’s detailed article on the platform’s features and benefits. Whether you’re looking to enhance your existing e-commerce capabilities or build a new solution from the ground up, Salesforce Commerce Cloud provides the tools and flexibility needed to succeed in today’s competitive market. Businesses can create tailored storefronts that reflect their brand and meet the specific needs of their customers. This customization extends to product catalogs, pricing, and promotions.The platform supports complex product configurations and pricing models, making it easier for businesses to manage bulk orders, custom quotes, and specialized pricing agreements.
With Cloudstreet, a Salesforce Consulting Partner, implementing Salesforce Commerce Cloud, businesses can offer personalized experiences at every touchpoint. From initial product discovery to final purchase, customers receive tailored recommendations and support.

Specifically, Salesforce Commerce Cloud D2C (Direct-to-Consumer) addresses several key challenges and needs for businesses looking to enhance their direct sales channels:
Personalized Customer Experiences, Seamless Omnichannel Integration, Scalability and Flexibility, Efficient Order Management, Advanced Analytics and Insights, Customization and Flexibility, Mobile-First Approach, Security and Compliance, Simplified Product Management, Global Reach.

Integration with NetSuite ERP

Integrating Salesforce Commerce Cloud with ERP systems like NetSuite is crucial for achieving a streamlined and efficient sales process. This is where Breadwinner comes into play, facilitating seamless integration and real-time data synchronization.
Integrating Salesforce Commerce Cloud with NetSuite ERP ensures that all data, from inventory levels to customer orders, is synchronized in real-time. This eliminates the need for manual data entry and reduces the risk of errors.
With integrated systems, businesses can access up-to-date information on inventory, orders, and customer interactions. This enables better decision-making and more efficient operations.
Integrated systems streamline order processing and payment handling, ensuring that orders are processed quickly and accurately. This leads to faster delivery times and improved customer satisfaction. Moreover, they provide real-time visibility into inventory levels, enabling better inventory management and reducing the risk of stockouts or overstocking.

Credits of image to Breadwinner.

Benefits of Integration & the important role of Breadwinner

Integrating Salesforce Commerce Cloud with NetSuite ERP offers numerous benefits for B2B businesses. Breadwinner’s solution involves. Breadwinner is a company that specializes in providing integration solutions between Salesforce and financial systems. Their primary product is an extensible, turn-key integration software that allows businesses to connect their Salesforce CRM with various online accounting platforms, such as NetSuite, Xero, QuickBooks Online, and payment processors like Stripe, Braintree, and Square.

Credits of image to Breadwinner.

The main goal of Breadwinner's solution is to bring financial data directly into Salesforce, transforming it into an ERP-like system where businesses can manage Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable within their CRM. This integration enables real-time synchronization of financial information, allowing businesses to accelerate cash flow, reduce staffing costs, increase automation, and improve overall productivity by minimizing manual data entry and administrative tasks. Ultimately, Breadwinner helps businesses work more efficiently by seamlessly connecting their financial systems with Salesforce, empowering sales and finance teams to focus on growth and customer satisfaction.

Benefits of integration

See the below image that shows some benefits of this integration.

Case Study

Consider the example of Agricultural Blending Company, a B2B firm that successfully implemented Salesforce Commerce Cloud and NetSuite integration. The firm provides high-quality products and services for: Hay, Shavings and Sustainable Manure Removal. It faces challenges such as manual order processing, data silos, and inefficient inventory management. By integrating these systems, they were able to automate order processing, achieve real-time data synchronization, and improve inventory management. The result was a significant increase in operational efficiency, reduced errors, and higher customer satisfaction.
This case is special because and worth studying because the firm is in an industry that is going through transformation, and in order to remove any room for error, transforming their business digitally through Commerce Cloud & Netsuite ERP is an innovation itself. With Breadwinner, bringing financial data directly into Salesforce, allows businesses to manage their customer relationships and financial operations from a single platform. This eliminates the need to switch between different systems, streamlining workflows and reducing the risk of data discrepancies.
Implementing Salesforce Commerce Cloud & Netsuite ERP with the solution of Breadwinner allows to address the following pain points any b2b firm may face:

Inefficient Order Management:
  • Managing large volumes of orders for various products like hay and shavings could be challenging, especially if the current system lacks automation. Manual processes could lead to delays, errors, and customer dissatisfaction.
Complex Product Configuration:
  • Handling various product configurations, such as different types of hay or customized manure removal services, may be difficult without a flexible e-commerce platform. They might struggle with offering tailored solutions to their customers.
Disjointed Systems:
  • If their sales, inventory, and financial systems are not integrated, they might face issues with data silos, leading to inconsistent information across departments. This can result in operational inefficiencies and poor decision-making.
Inventory Management Challenges:
  • Managing inventory for perishable products like hay requires real-time visibility to avoid overstocking or stockouts. They might be facing difficulties in tracking inventory levels accurately across multiple locations.
Slow Order Fulfillment:
  • The company may experience delays in processing and fulfilling orders, particularly during peak seasons. This could be due to outdated systems or the lack of automation in their sales and logistics processes.
Limited Customer Insights:
  • Without integrated systems, they might struggle to gain a comprehensive view of customer behavior and preferences, making it difficult to provide personalized services or anticipate customer needs.
Scalability Issues:
  • As the company grows, their current systems might not be able to handle increased order volumes or expanding product lines efficiently. They could be looking for a solution that supports scalability and future growth.
Financial Management Difficulties:
  • Inaccurate or delayed financial reporting could be a problem, especially if the sales and accounting systems are not connected. This might hinder their ability to manage cash flow effectively or make informed financial decisions.

To see the full case study and know more about it please enter here

Future Trends and Innovations for B2B sales processes.

The future of B2B e-commerce and ERP integration is promising, with emerging trends and innovations on the horizon. The continued evolution of digital platforms and integration tools will drive further improvements in B2B sales processes, making them more efficient and customer-centric.

The future of B2B sales is undergoing a significant transformation as digitalization reshapes how businesses interact with customers. Companies are moving away from traditional sales approaches and embracing data-driven strategies that prioritize personalized, customer-centric experiences. The shift towards omnichannel engagement allows businesses to meet their clients wherever they are, integrating digital and human touchpoints to create a seamless journey. As B2B buyers increasingly demand efficiency and customization, sales teams must adapt by leveraging advanced analytics, AI, and automated tools to deliver tailored solutions at scale. This evolution in B2B sales is not just about keeping pace with technological advancements; it's about redefining the entire sales process to build deeper, more meaningful relationships with customers and drive sustainable growth.


Integrating Salesforce Commerce Cloud with NetSuite ERP offers B2B firms a powerful solution for modernizing their sales processes. The benefits of this integration include improved efficiency, better inventory management, and enhanced customer service. As B2B sales continue to evolve, businesses that embrace these tools will be well-positioned for success. Consider modernizing your sales processes with Salesforce Commerce Cloud and NetSuite ERP integration to stay competitive in the ever-changing market.


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